Flag State Jurisdiction of the Maldives: Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment from Vessel Source Pollution



  • Ahmed Adham Abdulla




Flag State Jurisdiction, Protection of Marine Environment, Maldives


The Maldivian archipelago is located in an area with an immensely high risk of vessel source pollution. Due to the low-lying, scattered island temperament and lack of clean-up technology and resources, if a maritime casualty were to occur in and around the Maldives, the country may not survive, at least socio-economically. Under the international legal framework, flag States have a legal responsibility to ensure that their vessels comply with international law, wherever the vessels are located. This article identifies and analyses the gaps between the international legal framework and the national legal framework for the protection and preservation of the marine environment from vessel source pollution, applicable to the flag States of Maldives.



How to Cite

Flag State Jurisdiction of the Maldives: Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment from Vessel Source Pollution: 67-118. (2021). International Journal of Social Research & Innovation, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.55712/ijsri.v5i1.30