Perceived Parenting Styles and Adult Depression Severity in the Maldives
parenting styles, family socialisation, parental warmth, parental strictness, depression, adult outcomesAbstract
Parental practices, including parental warmth and strictness, contribute to child outcomes including child psychopathology. This study aimed to determine if there is a significant correlation between the perceived parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive) and adult depression severity in the Maldives. A total sample of one hundred and eight participants completed the Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ), including 75 females and 33 males, and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-SF). Results of the study show that authoritarian parenting style was the most prevalent, followed by the permissive style, as perceived by the participants. Analysis revealed that authoritative and permissive parenting styles had a weak negative correlation with adult depression severity, while the authoritarian parenting style had a weak positive correlation to increased severity of depression in adults. 75% of the participants self-reported depression, with 31% identifying with severe depression, indicating that parenting style may be one of several factors contributing to a high prevalence of perceived depression in adults living in Greater Male’ Area.
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